Unser Team

Die Leidenschaft unserer Teammitglieder, kontinuierlich jeden Aspekt unseres Geschäfts zu verbessern


Über die Konnektivität

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In einer ständig wechselnden Umgebung zu arbeiten erfordert, kontinuierlich vorauszusein – nicht nur in Bezug auf Technologie, sondern auch in Bezug auf unsere interne Organisation.

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Wir haben den Ehrgeiz, auf bestmögliche Weise zu arbeiten, um den besten Service für unsere Kunden zu bieten. Deshalb ist jedes Projekt eine Herzensangelegenheit, unabhängig von der Größe.


Wir glauben, dass das Teilen unseres Wissens und unserer Erfahrungen der einzige Weg ist, um die besten Lösungen anzubieten und die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden vollständig zu verstehen.

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Treffe das Team

Josef Schreiner
Head of Sales
Harald Fuchs
Peter Grimmer
Customer Support & Logistics
Georg Schoder
Andreas Krammer
Head of Technology
Andrea Kempf
Head of Accounting
Bernhard Mauler
Customer Support & Logistics
Jordan Montarry
Sales Manager
Vincenzo Caggiula
Head of Operations
Mei Lin
Sales Manager - Consumer Electronics / Retail
Nadia Fortes
Platform Engineer
Kasia Gerlée
Senior Digital Marketing Manager
David Edlinger
DevOps Engineer
Diogo Malaquias
Sales Manager - Automotive (OEM & Aftermarket) / Building & Security
Andreas Janik
Customer Support
Friedrich Barwinek
Sales Manager - Transport & Logistics / Industrial IoT
Mia Ščap
Social Media Specialist
Ivana Caggiula
Sales Manager - Infrastructure / Healthcare
Emilse Gonzalez
Second Level Support
Kalman Major
DevOps Engineer
Oriana Barbadillo
Support Analyst
Balázs Fodor
Connectivity Product Manager
Want to join our team?

Look for a new job opening on our Linkedin channel or Careers Page

Iryna Kulyk
QA Engineer
Quotes from your future colleagues
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Let's talk!

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Josef Schreiner

Head of Sales

Our unstoppable Salesman! Passionate about tennis, golf & superheroes – not necessarily in that order. His biggest personal goal is to have Robert Downey Jr.’s (the Iron Man) stamp of approval.


Harald Fuchs:de


Our captain in charge, with over 20 years of experience in the telecommunication industry, is not only known to be a great visionary but also to be a Gin Tonic loving Cyclist.


Peter Grimmer

Customer & Logistics Support​

The first one to help you when you are in need – our nature-loving Customer Supporter. He loves to travel and going on long hikes, and after a long day, he enjoys his favorite Gin Tonic.


Georg Schoder


Coming soon…


Andreas Krammer

Head of Product​

The American Football loving cyclist transformed from a sales guy to one of the most acknowledged tech experts for telecommunication and software development in our team.


Andrea Kempf

Head of Accounting

Our master of coin likes traveling and enjoys diving in travel literature. She has more than 20 years of experience in controlling & accounting. Number crunching is a term that fits many of her activities in daily business!

Bernhard Mauler

Customer & Logistics Support​

Assigned with multiple talents, our tennis-playing guitarist makes sure that our clients get their SIM cards at the right time at the right place while simultaneously taking care of our customers’ worries.


Jordan Montarry

Sales Manager

Coming soon…


Vincenzo Caggiula

Head of Operations
Welcome to Operations, a motley assortment of misfits; few people know what we do but, trust me, you can’t do without us! I’ve been known to enjoy watching rugby, overindulge in pizza and cigars and love riding my Vespa!

Mei Lin

Sales Manager – Consumer Electronics / Retail

Our sales expert for the Asian market loves the journey of shifting to positive perceptions about things, people, and businesses. Additionally, she adores Italy, and everything connected to it!


Nadia Fortes

Support Analyst​​

Our Cristiano Ronaldo-loving Yogi from Portugal is known for continuously improving our different platforms and bringing balance into our team. Apart from that, she enjoys discovering Austria during weekend trips.


Kasia Gerlée

Senior Digital Marketing Manager

Our office digital marketing magician and social media passionate, joining us from Poland. She loves to travel, always finds a creative solution, is an MCU geek, has an undying love for the Friends TV series and pop culture.


David Edlinger

DevOps Engineer
David is so busy making sure our products are of the highest quality possible – updating software, working on the state-of-the-art platforms, leading all the DevOps operations – that he didn’t have time to share his passions for the website yet 😉

Diogo Malaquias

Sales Manager – Automotive (OEM & Aftermarket) / Building & Security

CR7’s cousin (or not) is a gin lover, a basketball and MotoGP fan, and passionate about dogs. After moving to Vienna, he fell into the digital world by chance, and since then has been involved in payments, digital security, and is now looking into the future… the IoT.


Andreas Janik

Support Analyst​​

His passion is football (soccer). He loves to play, and in his free time, he coaches a U14 Team. In addition, he loves traveling and trying new exotic food. Andy is a  big fan of American football and enjoys drinking a few beers with his friends while watching football games.


Friedrich Barwinek

Sales Manager – Transport & Logistics / Industrial IoT

Contact Friedrich to find out how freeeway can add value to your business because your success is our success. Besides finding the right solution for your individual needs, our global nomad enjoys rugby, surfing, long walks with his trusted hound and experiencing different cultures.  


Mia Ščap

Digital Marketing Specialist

Mia is an international soul who has lived across two continents and realised her future was digital; she is now deep diving into the IoT world and getting very social about it. Forever curious and in love with snowboarding, tennis, and traveling. Another gin lover in the house.


Ivana Caggiula

Sales Manager – Infrastructure / Healthcare

From the Balkans to the Urals, she looks after all of our Eastern European customers & prospects. Any other time she can be found enjoying her family and knitting her way through kilometers of yarn!


Emilse Gonzalez

Support Analyst​​

She likes to untie knots, solve problems, and maybe generate some new ones in between! All day she’s sipping her mate, because in Argentina they breathe and drink mate to live. A lifelong learning student.


Kalman Major

DevOps Engineer

He comes from Hungary. David’s padawan who maintains the platforms and improves the monitoring system. 
He loves to play football with his friends and drive his favorite car.


Oriana Barbadillo

Support Analyst

Deeply passionate about exploring new places and soaking up the wonders of nature. When she is not providing top-notch technical assistance, you can find her trekking through the great outdoors, marveling at natural wonders, and discovering hidden gems off the beaten path.


Balázs Fodor

Connectivity Product Manager

Excel warrior who is happy to help anyone with spreadsheets and optimizing our products is what fills his days at work. Coming from Hungary, he is extremely happy that skiing and biking, his two passions, can be done easily from Vienna.


Iryna Kulyk

QA Engineer

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All about our approach to IoT Monetization

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If you want to read more about IoT Security

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Everything you need to know about IoT Connectivity

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