How to overcome security issues in IoT?

on the image you can see computer interface with a black screen and the word 'security' highlighted by the mouse cursor
Don't worry, though! Some amazing solutions are available to keep your information safe and secure. From encrypted communications to multi-factor authentication

With the rapid growth of smart devices and their connectivity to the internet, the importance of their security can’t be emphasized enough. Our personal information and privacy are at risk as we integrate more and more devices into our lives, and that’s why we need to take IoT security seriously.

Don’t worry, though! Some amazing solutions are available to keep your information safe and secure. From encrypted communications to multi-factor authentication, many techniques and technologies are being used to support our devices and protect our data.

Why is IoT security so important?

Just a few decades ago, it would have been hard to imagine that physical devices, vehicles, wearables, buildings, and appliances would all be connected as one big internet ecosystem. But that’s exactly what we have today, and with that comes the responsibility to keep it safe.

Think about it: the data from your sensors, wearable devices, security systems, and your location is being exchanged online. That’s a lot of sensitive information that could be vulnerable to harmful threats like data breaches, cyber-attacks, eavesdropping, and unauthorized access.

Below we are breaking down the several types of threats to IoT and security.

Everything you need to know about IoT Security

5 types of IoT security & their examples

IoT security is a vast subject with many different components associated with it. Here is the breakdown of several types of IoT security in the Consumer IoT devices space, as given below:

  • IoT Network Security:

IoT devices connected across the network must be able to communicate and exchange information safely. To keep our network safe, we must use methods like firewalls, network security protocols, and virtual private networks to prevent external access or intervention to the network.

  • Smart Device Security:

The foremost and basic security for IoT solutions is securing devices with measures like using strong passwords, limiting device access, and upgrading the device firmware from time to time against new threats.

  • Data Security:

Data security can be performed in several ways, such as encrypting the information, securing the storage, and preventing access rights to ensure that the data from IoT devices are safe and secure.

  • Access control and management:

Another good way to secure IoT systems is by verifying user identity and rights with measures like authentication, access authorization, Single sign-on (SSO), and carefully defining who has access.

  • Physical Security:

Physical security refers to securing the hardware access control or making it tamper-resistant against physical manipulations or unauthorized access to the data or device.

Benefits of IoT security measures

IoT security issues are vital for the brands delivering IoT devices and end users. Leaving any one area of the IoT ecosystem vulnerable can put sensitive information and access at risk. Secure IoT devices are important for you and help build trust and brand reputation among customers, partners, and stakeholders. Here are several benefits of securing your IoT devices:

  • Protects sensitive information: Securing the data captured and transmitted by IoT devices ensures safe exchanges of sensitive information.
  • Protects personal information: Limiting access to the device data means end-users’ personal information won’t be shared with or accessed by unauthorized entities.
  • Boosts brand reputation: Building trust and reputation among customers, partners, and stakeholders helps IoT solutions grow in popularity.
  • Reduces financial risk: Securing your IoT devices protects you against financial risks from security breaches and non-compliance with needed system regulations.

Secure your smart devices easily

Security is one of the critical prerequisites for any IoT deployment. Any potential security breach can harm the end user and demolish the product or brand’s reputation. We help our clients configure IoT connectivity at Freeeway, so they do not have to worry about their IoT security measures.

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Iryna Kulyk

QA Engineer

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