IoT Blog

Insights and Expert Advice
for IoT Connectivity and
IoT Monetization at a global scale


What is Edge Computing in IoT, and Why Does it Matter?

Have you heard about Edge computing? If not, you’re not alone! Edge computing is a relatively new concept in the world of technology that has been gaining more and more attention lately. In this article, we will dive deeper into what it means exactly and how Edge processing is relevant to the Internet of Things (IoT) area.

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IoT in Finance

IoT is among the latest breakthroughs in the technological world, with companies prospecting to use it for the financial sector and thinking of new ways to transform the industry.

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Top 4 IoT Enabling Technologies

Any IoT solution is an outcome of a set of different technologies, engineering solutions, system integrations, and physical world interfacing. There are many aspects of technological implementations in any consumer or industrial IoT solution.

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The Benefits of Implementing IoT in Supply Chains

The supply chain is among the most essential operation of any business performance. A better supply chain results in quicker business growth and allows all the stakeholders to be fast-paced. A simple addon of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology in supply chains can transform your business. In this article, we will discuss various smart supply chain solutions and their benefits.

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IoT home automation

Accessibility, convenience, and efficiency were the three reasons behind the growing interest in IoT home automation. This article focuses on IoT smart home devices and some of the popular IoT home applications.

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Smart IoT solutions in utilities

More EV (Electric Vehicles), green energy, and sustainable solutions will pull an initial strain, and IoT for Utilities industry can help cope with that. For example, private companies can provide utility services, including telecommunications, electrical utilities, natural gas, and certain transportation services.

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On the picture you can see an IoT sensor connected to the soil around the green plants - it is connected to the screen with the text "soil moisture" on the level 74%

16 Types of sensors used in IoT

IoT sensors are one of the key components in IoT devices that collect data from surroundings and transmit them over networks. This article covers a list of sensors used in IoT solutions, their role, and real-life examples.

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Iryna Kulyk

QA Engineer

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