IoT Blog

Insights and Expert Advice
for IoT Connectivity and
IoT Monetization at a global scale

Woman with a laptop working, IoT in the working environment

IoT in the work environment

Every workplace is different; therefore, they all might need their unique set of IoT solutions and IoT devices to create their ideal intelligent workspace. Some workspaces might be filled with machines and assets, while others can be office jobs and hazardous field jobs. Nonetheless, IoT solutions can fit into all these areas.

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The Importance of Revenue Recognition for IoT Subscriptions

The revenue recognition for IoT subscriptions is a complex process. Since subscriptions represent a time-bound performance obligation, the revenue cannot be recognized immediately when the customer activates and pays for their selected data plan. Instead, upon signup, the entire revenue for the IoT subscription must be marked as deferred and recognized progressively until the contract’s obligations are met.

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4 New Trends in the Internet of Things (IoT) World

Notably, in 2022, the number of IoT or connected devices has grown to 14.4 billion at an impressive 18% transformation rate. That’s not all of it; the continued growth in connected devices and connectivity solutions characterizes IoT deployments across industries.

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Iryna Kulyk

QA Engineer

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