The IoT White Label Subscription: What do you need to know?

A white-label platform is one that is created by one company and sold to others without branding. Before the items are resold, the firms that purchase them put their trademark, such as a logo, and align the product with company branding.

As a company looking to enter the realm of IoT, your first reaction may be to create a whole IoT Subscription platform on your own. But is this the only way to start getting subscription revenue from IoT connectivity in your connected devices? And are you sure that this solution will meet all of your requirements? Developing your own solution from the ground up usually takes a lot of time, resources, and money. Not to forget that a platform like this needs to be continuously maintained later on and provide support to end-users. But do not worry, you may easily avoid all these troubles by using the white-label solution for your IoT-connected devices.

What exactly is a White-Label Platform?

A white-label platform is one that is created by one company and sold to others without branding. Before the items are resold, the firms that purchase them put their trademark, such as a logo, and align the product with company branding.

The items are presented to end-consumers as though they were manufactured by the reselling firm.

Let’s look at the top reasons for using white label products:

1. You can concentrate on what you do best – growing your core business

When you design a solution on your own, you will significantly raise your learning curve outside of your core capabilities and significantly slow down your solution’s time-to-market. You can create a comprehensive solution in just 1-2 months if you use white label items. Worry-free and fast.

2. Your money and effort are well invested

If you take a do-it-yourself method, you will almost surely commit mistakes that other organizations have previously made – and already solved. You can avoid such issues since white-label items have already been created and tested.

3. You will outperform your opponents

Let’s face it: the realm of IoT Subscription is fast expanding, and competition is increasing by the minute. With white label items, you will be able to deliver a comprehensive solution to your clients before your competitors.

4. The items become your own

Because white-label items are unbranded, you may customize them with your company’s colors and logo. Customers will be able to link the items with your firm as a result of this. This way you can easily increase brand awareness of your company and products.

5. It does not get any easier

White label items are manufactured by one firm and distributed by others. When you acquire the business logic including platform and other white-label elements – they are ready to use, which means you won’t have to spend time or money developing them. Rather, you can get right down to work quickly and simply.

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The advantages of a white labeling approach for your organization

Your organization will profit from a white label strategy rather than a do-it-yourself approach in the following ways:

When necessary, increase the size

A white label company’s production capability enables you to rapidly scale up when market demand increases.

There is no need for additional internal resources outside of your main company

With a white-label approach, you may focus on your core capabilities while acquiring the knowledge required to develop your organization, generate new income streams, and/or maintain market share.

Rapid market entrance

When compared to engaging in-house professionals for product development, working with a white label firm implies a faster market launch and a faster return on investment. You will avoid the costly development phase and go directly to work with ready-to-launch products.

How to begin selling White Label Products

Select the goods

When deciding on a white label approach, the first step is to choose items that are appropriate for your company and meet the demands of your consumers. You will be able to discover which goods are the greatest fit for your organization by studying and evaluating them.

Locate a supplier

It is critical to choose the correct white label provider. As a result, conducting extensive research on possible partners will be quite advantageous. Learn how to pick the best white label partner.

Add your company’s logo to the items

Once you’ve discovered the proper match in a white label provider delivering the items you’re looking for, it’s time to modify and personalize the products.

Are you looking for a supplier of a White-Label IoT Platform?

Have you produced an IoT device or gateway customized to your IoT solution, or do you wish to construct a new IoT device to meet the needs of your solution? Freeeway facilitates both by allowing users to use or create involvement. Bring your device and connect it to the Freeeway White-Label IoT Platform without any restrictions.

Charge your device’s users for pre-paid mobile data use using IoT SIM card Subscription. With your customized created tariffs. The end-users will pay the subscriptions directly to you, with no third parties included. With Freeeways’ White-Label IoT Platform, you receive a one-of-a-kind chance to generate additional money by offering connections to your consumers through your goods and services.

Selling connections is difficult. There are several factors to consider to make it lucrative, and each user’s situation is unique.

As a result, Freeeway handles all aspects of financial reporting, real-time data consumption monitoring, end-user validation, taxes, and source connectivity.

With Freeeway’s IoT White-Label Solution, you can boost brand awareness and consumer loyalty by adding connections to your products under your brand, all without becoming a telecoms specialist.

To create the system in-house, no initial investments are required. A new service may be launched in a few weeks. There is no requirement for development or testing time. You are never alone with Freeeway! The team of experts will guide you through the process of branding your platform, as well as every step after that.

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Iryna Kulyk

QA Engineer

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