83% of organizations have experienced more than one data breach, highlighting the need to enhance data security measures in the realm of IoT.

In 2023, the average cost of a data breach reached an all-time high of $4.45 million

Yes, according to the Cost of a Data Breach Report by IBM Security and Ponemon Institute, security breaches are becoming increasingly costly. In fact, 83% of organizations studied have experienced more than one data breach, highlighting the need to enhance security measures in the realm of IoT. The truth is that, as technology evolves, so do the risks and strategies associated with data security and responding to breaches. As a leader in IoT connectivity, Freeeway recognizes the critical importance of data security and the need to safeguard IoT data connections. This blog is Freeeway’s approach to providing security on the network level, from harmonized network access point names (APNs), IMEI locks, network layer security through VPNs, Open VPNs, and IP-Sec encryption, all the way with highly secure private IP networks.

By grasping the importance of keeping data safe in a world where everything is connected, we can better understand how Freeeway is leading the way to make sure your IoT data stays secure.

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Harmonized Network Access Point Names (APNs)

The Access Point Name (APN) acts as the gateway between a mobile network and the desired end-point, such as an application or cloud environment. Freeeway simplifies the process by utilizing consistent APNs across multiple mobile network partners globally. This eliminates the need for frequent APN configuration changes, enabling devices to connect seamlessly to various networks.

Access Point Name (APN) and its Role in IoT Connectivity

The Access Point Name (APN) is a fundamental concept in the world of IoT connectivity. It serves as the gateway or entry point that connects a device to a specific network, allowing data to flow between the device and the intended destination, such as an application or cloud environment. Think of the APN as a virtual address that guides data traffic to its proper destination between the mobile network and the applications residing on the worldwide web.

In the context of IoT, devices communicate with various networks owned by different mobile operators. Each mobile operator typically has its own set of configurations and settings that devices need to follow to establish a connection. This is where APNs come into play. They act as a predefined set of rules that instruct the device on how to connect to a specific network.

For instance, imagine a smart thermostat that needs to send temperature data to a cloud-based application. The device needs to know which network path to take and how to communicate with the application. The APN provides these instructions, ensuring that the data is routed correctly and securely.

Everything you need to know about IoT Security

Network Layer Security and its Importance in IoT

Imagine that your IoT device is sending sensitive information to an application, like health data from a wearable device or control signals from an industrial machine. This data needs to travel across various networks and devices before reaching its intended destination. Network layer security ensures that this journey remains secure and private.

There are various methods to achieve network layer security, and Freeeway employs a combination of them to safeguard IoT data flows:

  1. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): VPNs create a secure and encrypted tunnel between your device and the destination application or server. This tunnel shields the data from potential eavesdroppers or hackers. Opting for VPNs ensures that data remains confidential and protected during transmission.
  2. Open VPN: Open VPN is a specific type of VPN technology that provides secure communication over the internet. It’s particularly useful for on-demand communication between the device and the server.
  3. IP-Sec Encryption: IP-Sec (Internet Protocol Security) is a protocol suite that adds a layer of security to IP communication. It ensures the authenticity and confidentiality of data packets as they traverse networks. Employing IP-Sec encryption safeguards data security and integrity and prevents unauthorized access.

These network layer security measures collectively shield IoT data from potential threats and vulnerabilities. By encrypting data transmissions and establishing secure communication channels, Freeeway ensures that the information exchanged between devices and applications remains private and protected.

In summary, the Access Point Name (APN) serves as a virtual address guiding data traffic within mobile networks, while network layer security encompasses various methods such as VPNs, Open VPNs, and IP-Sec encryption to protect data as it traverses networks. Freeeway’s comprehensive approach to both APNs and network layer security enhances the overall safety and reliability of IoT data connections.

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Highly Secure Private IP Networks via MPLS

In collaboration with Console Connect, Freeeway introduces a highly secure private IP network solution based on MPLS technology. This innovative approach connects IoT devices to applications hosted in public cloud environments, ensuring data security without the need for additional VPN technologies. The result is a streamlined and protected data connection.

Empowering IoT Security with Freeeway

By unifying APNs, implementing IMEI locks, offering network layer security through diverse encryption methods, and establishing secure private IP networks, Freeeway’s end-to-end security landscape has at its core to safeguard IoT data connections. With Freeeway’s comprehensive solutions, IoT applications can thrive on a global scale, fostering secure connectivity and, most importantly, peace of mind.

To learn more about Freeeway and how we can enhance your IoT application’s security, visit our website at or reach out to us at Join us in shaping a secure and connected IoT future.

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Iryna Kulyk

QA Engineer

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